About Me
I was first introduced to Numerology from a friend, henceforth
Code, and he was introduced to it from another friend, henceforth
Dust, that had a vision about numbers. After Dust had this vision
he stated that an entity visited him and shared the knowledge to
find the right path of Numerology. To note, Dust had never heard
of Numerology before. This entity revealed the tital of a book
called, "Numerology: and The Divine Triangle" (by Faith Javane, &
Dusty Bunker). I'm a bit skeptical at this point, and I'm sure you
are too. Code has shared this information with me, I have never
meet Dust in person, however, the story is compelling. After Code
gave me my numbers and read from the book, I was shocked. There is
no way a book based on a sudo-science could be this accuret. I had
my reservations, then Code started reading a section of the book
that, is more or less, supposed to be your destiny. He read the
first 9 years of my life. Kinda hit home, not really sure what to
think about it. I don't remember much from that time. Then he got
to 10 - 19, I was 21 at the time so it was fresh in my mind. I
started crying about halfway through. I felt like this book knew
me better than i did and that's when I dove down the rabbit hole.